Wednesday 13 February 2013


Feeling very happy and full of life right now, hot on the heels of an amazing staff meeting last night which lit up my fire again :)

Things I'm loving RIGHT NOW:

Vision boards! So creative, so inspiring, so, well, visual, and so cut-and-pasty, which is right up my alley! Forgot how much I love crafts... In fact, I'm having so much fun working on this right now, I'm having a hard time putting down the scissors to go get ready for work!

Brandon Flowers and the Killers. Best band of all time. (You can try to argue with me, but it won't work.) I LOVE these boys. Listening to Flesh and Bone, and am reminded of a beautiful and unseasonably warm day last fall, while I was driving with the windows down, Killers cranked, and feeling the winds of change blow <3

The incredible group of people I work with. Every day brings new opportunity to have an authentic conversation about our lives, visions, dreams, and most importantly, how to execute it all. I have grown since November, and continue to do so each and every day.

Brian Tracy. If you don't know who he is, let me inform you. He is THE MAN. Google him, and embrace his teachings wholeheartedly. He blows my mind, and this is no exaggeration.

Simple things. A sweet text from the hubs, hugging the dog, a cuppa tea with a friend, smiles and laughs and chocolate cake.

Thanks life for these beautiful opportunities and everything that you offer me every single day.

Now, seriously, I have to go or I'm gonna be late!


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